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CAL/OSHA Return To Work Requirement

Jul 5, 2023

CAL/OSHA return to work requirements for confirmed CV 19 cases and CDPH recommendations for symptomatic individuals:

  • Employer must demonstrate requirements were met
  • Regardless of vaccination status or previous infection, employee may return to work after:
    • Isolating for at least five days
    • No symptom or symptoms are resolved, and
    • At least 24 hours have passed since fever of 100.4 F or higher has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medications.
    • If symptoms, other than fever, are not improving, isolate until symptoms improve or until after day 10.
    • Employee shall wear a mask at all times if they return to work before a full 10 days have passed since the first positive COVID-19 test.

For more information about employee close contact exposure, visit When an Employee has a Close Contact Exposure to CV-19